
Best Home Gear participates with one or more affiliate sales networks. This means that companies whose products you see listed on this site (Amazon, for example) pay us a small referral fee to send our customers to them for products they sell.

When you click and buy a product using the links you find on our site, we receive compensation from the company that sells the product.

Being a part of these affiliate networks makes it possible to support the development of this website and keep the information accessible to our loyal readers.

At the same time, there is no additional cost to you as a consumer when you purchase through our links.

We appreciate the faith and trust you place in BestHomeGear to accurately review and disclose what we think are the best products in any given category.  We aim to be completely upfront and transparent about any products we could receive compensation for.

Affiliate networks currently include Amazon.com, AceHardware.com, and HomeDepot.com.

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure

BestHomeGear participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com.

You can also view our Terms of Use here.