How to Get Rid of Chipmunks (Best DIY Methods)

Effective Strategies for Removing Chipmunks from Your Property!


Chipmunks may seem cute, but when they invade your property, they can cause significant damage.

Learning How to Get Rid of Chipmunks will keep them from digging up your garden, chewing on electrical wiring outside your home, the engine compartment of a vehicle, or even destroying the foundation of your house.

Ask any homeowner with a severe chipmunk infestation, and they can confirm how much of a nuisance and danger they can be to their homes and gardens.

Fortunately, you can employ several effective strategies to rid your property of these pesky rodents, each of which we’ve provided below.

Follow along with this comprehensive guide – and explore the various methods of removing chipmunks and reclaiming your property.

Understanding Chipmunk Behavior:

Before diving into Chipmunk removal methods, it’s essential to understand chipmunk behavior. Chipmunks are small rodents known for their burrowing habits and fondness for digging.

They are active during the day, primarily in the early morning and late afternoon. Chipmunks are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide range of foods, including seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects.

image of chipmunk with baby - best home gear
Chipmunk with baby –

Chipmunks are also prolific breeders, with females typically giving birth to multiple litters annually.

How to Identify Chipmunk Damage:

photo showing chipmunk damage in yard
Yard Damage from Chipmunks –

Chipmunks can wreak havoc on your property in several ways. Common signs of chipmunk damage include:

1. Garden Destruction: Chipmunks are notorious for raiding gardens and consuming fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They dig up bulbs and tubers, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
2. Nesting in Structures: Chipmunks may seek shelter in sheds, garages, and other structures, nesting in insulation or stored items.
3. Gnawing on Wiring: Like other rodents, chipmunks tend to chew on wiring, posing a fire hazard and potentially causing costly damage to your home.
4. Undermining Foundations: Chipmunk burrows can undermine the structural integrity of sidewalks, patios, foundations, or fences, leading to costly repairs.

Now that we understand chipmunk behavior and the potential damage they can cause let’s explore practical strategies for removing them from your property.

Natural Ways to Remove Chipmunks:

Natural Repellents:
Several natural substances can deter chipmunks from invading your yard. These include:

a. Mothballs: Placing mothballs near chipmunk burrows or entry points can emit an odor that repels them.

b. Garlic and Chili Pepper Spray: Mixing garlic and chili pepper with water to create a spray can create an unpleasant scent and taste for chipmunks.

applying urine to chipmunk holes - best home gear
Spraying animal urine on Chipmunk Holes –

c. Predator Urine: Sprinkling predator urine (such as that of foxes or coyotes) around your property from predator pee can mimic the presence of natural predators and deter chipmunks from your house and yard.

Give one or all of these Natural Chipmunk Removal Tips on your property.

How to Get Rid of Chipmunks: (Best DIY Techniques)

1). Exclusion (Prevention) Techniques

Preventing chipmunks from accessing your property in the first place is critical to effective control.

a. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps or openings and seal them with caulk, wire mesh, or hardware cloth.
b. Install Fencing: Erecting a fence around your garden or property can help keep chipmunks out. Ensure the wall extends below ground to prevent burrowing.
c. Remove Attractants: Keep your property clean and free of food sources that may attract chipmunks, such as bird feeders or fallen fruit.

2)  Trapping and Removal:

For more severe infestations, trapping may be necessary to get rid of chipmunks.

Live traps can be baited with seeds, nuts, or peanut butter and placed near chipmunk burrows or along their travel paths.

image of a live chipmunk trap - best home gear
Live Trap for Chipmunks –

Once captured, relocate chipmunks to a suitable location far away from your property.

3)  The Bucket Method (One of our Favorite Techniques)

image of chipmunk bucket trap

The “Bucket Method” for removing chipmunks is a simple and effective technique for eliminating chipmunks from your yard. Here’s how it works:

  • Prepare the Bucket: Select a sturdy bucket or container with steep sides. The bucket height should be at least 12 inches to prevent chipmunks from escaping quickly.
  • Add Water: Fill the bottom of the bucket with 3-4 inches of water. This will serve as a deterrent for chipmunks and prevent them from climbing out once trapped.
  • Create a Ramp: Place a long, sturdy plank or board on the outside of the bucket, leading up to the bucket’s rim. The chipmunks will use this ramp to access the bucket.
  • Bait the Trap: Position the bucket near areas where active chipmunks are around garden beds or near their burrows. Place bait, such as sunflower seeds or peanut butter, on the plank leading to the bucket to entice the chipmunks.
  • Wait and Check: Leave the trap overnight or for a few days, periodically checking for trapped chipmunks. Once captured, you can release them far away from your property in a suitable habitat.
  • Safety Precautions: Ensure the bucket is placed where it won’t harm children or pets. Additionally, check the trap regularly to prevent chipmunks from suffering unnecessarily.

Assuming you only fill the bottom with 4″ or less water, the bucket method is humane and effective for controlling chipmunk populations in your yard without using harmful chemicals or traps. 

Chipmunks can keep their heads above the 4″ water line while resting on their haunches.

It allows you to capture and relocate chipmunks while minimizing the risk of harm to other wildlife or pets.

4)  Professional Assistance:

If DIY methods prove ineffective or if you’re dealing with a large infestation, consider seeking professional assistance.

Pest control experts can assess the situation and implement targeted strategies for chipmunk removal.

How To Get Rid of Chipmunks (Additional Tips & Tricks:)



Dealing with chipmunks on your property can be challenging, but with the right strategies and persistence, you can successfully rid your space of these pesky rodents.

Understanding chipmunk behavior, identifying signs of damage, and employing effective removal methods such as natural repellents, exclusion techniques, and trapping can help you reclaim your property and prevent future infestation.

Remember that if the tried and simple techniques cited above do not reduce your chipmunk population, you can quickly seek the help of a local pest control professional.

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As publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in Construction, Real Estate, and Property Management, and since 2018 has published DIY advice for Home, Lawn, and Garden Improvements. Your feedback helps us grow and lets other homeowners discover our site. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the Comments Section below!


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As the publisher at Best Home Gear, Kevin draws on 25+ years in construction, real estate, and property management, providing DIY advice for home, lawn, and garden improvements and expert Product Reviews.

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