Thanks for visiting our Best Home Gear “Review Page”, where we explain How we Review all of the products featured in our product review articles.
This page will also give you a quick snapshot about the origin and goals of our website!
- First, the content published at Best Home Gear is written only by a Home Improvement expert, focused on Home Improvement, Home Repair, Lawn care, Outdoor Equipment, Tools, Equipment Repair, and Patio and Yard improvement experts.
- In addition to our first-hand experience, we invest many hours in product research before going “live” with any article. We remain “Unbiased” – as no manufacturers sponsor any of the products we feature in our reviews.
- Our research includes a deep dive into real-time use, customer satisfaction, and manufacturers’ warranties, providing a diligent side-by-side comparison of the performance and specifications of each brand.
- Finally, We always include our Editors Choice, Runner-Up, and Best Value options, which can help readers select merchandise based on their needs and specific budget.
We all possess various levels of Do-It-Yourself, hands-on experience.
For this reason, we always offer Step-by-Step instructions with Safety in mind before publishing Repair Guides and How-To Home Improvement Guides on our website.
Whether you’re wondering about the Best Lawn Mower, who makes the Best Cordless Drills, how to build a fence, or how to care for your lawn or garden, we hope you benefit from our work and find the assistance you need within each of the topics we cover.
NOTE: If you enjoy our website and product reviews, we would love to hear about your experience! Just click HERE to submit a quick Review for Us on Google. Thanks Again!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Do You Test all of the Products and Equipment You Review?
While we test many of the Products and Equipment we Review, purchasing every product we review is impractical.
Manufacturers’ products constantly evolve, and product models are frequently deleted and new ones added.
Instead, we offer the best reviews for the most “Current” products. This way, you see the benefits and features each manufacturer offers.
Do You Offer Tips for New Homeowners?
Absolutely! We have published numerous articles with New Homeowners, and seasoned homeowners alike.
To search all of the articles by name, simply use our Menu (located at the Top of the Page) and Click on Home Hacks, to be directed to the Home Hacks & DIY Tips Page1
How do you determine Which Products are the Best?
First, we use our field experience based on each Brand’s Reliability. We also consult with other product users and extensively research the Manufacturer’s specifications for each product.
As an Affiliate, we also consider recent and verified – Amazon, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, and Ace Hardware customer feedback – and which products are currently rated as the best option for our readers.
Are your Reviews impartial to avoid conflict for commissions received?
Our goal with any product review is to provide consumers with impartial product reviews per equipment category. We always base reviews on the significant buying considerations of; Performance, Cost, Durability, Testing, and User Feedback.
From our research and hands-on experience, we confidently recommend products in categories such as Editors Choice (Best Overall), Runner-up, Best Value (inexpensive but solid performer), or other variations within the category.
Additional facts regarding commissions.
If you purchase something through one of our Links and decide to return it to the supplier, we receive no commission, and so from a practical sense, it is in our Best Interest to recommend products you will be glad you purchased – and keep you 🙂
Note: Don’t Miss our FAQ page where we answer many more popular questions about this website.
Wrapping Up
With product improvements in the Home & Garden Industry happening daily, we consistently remove poor-performing or discontinued products regularly, replacing them with higher-rated and more reliable choices for each category.
With that in mind, if you have any comments about a product you purchased through Best Home Gear or links that did not perform as expected or were generally unsatisfied with, please leave us a comment.
Those comments will allow us to research and consider the value or removal of that item within our product reviews.
Thanks again, and thanks for your Feedback!